Roadside Memorials in DHS

Richard P Abrane
Roberto A Gallegos Lira
Victorio and Xavier

Jane Pojawa of Cabot's Pueblo Museum has a photo project going – recording the roadside memorials of Desert Hot Springs and researching the people and circumstances to led them to this sad conclusion. From the top we have Jose Nicola Escobar (DHS), Richard P. Abrane, Roberto Gallegos Lira (Palm Springs), and Victorio Chavez and Xavier Santos (Cathedral City). All came to their ends in car crashes on Palm Drive, except for Jose whose life ended on Mountain View. DHS has some of the worst problems with pedestrian deaths, hit-and-run, and fatal accidents in the desert and Jane wants to call attention to these public safety issues by giving them a human context. In the meantime, you will greatly increase your chances of living to age 21 (Richard was the only one to make it that long) by wearing a seatbelt and staying at the party instead of driving home drunk (or getting into a car with a drunk driver.) Raven Jake sends his heartfelt regrets to the friends and families of these boys whose lives were suddenly cut short.

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~ by ravenjake on July 6, 2008.

One Response to “Roadside Memorials in DHS”

  1. So very heart-wrenching…may their spirits rest easily!

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